Mental Health Moment | Stability
Feb 05, 2023
Insecurity and instability come from not knowing what to expect. We like to know what to expect from the world around us so that we can make decisions and choose our path going forward. Unfortunately, that can't always happen. When the rules are changing every day, and a feeling of security starts to crumble away, fear can quickly set in. Fear creates anxiety, and tension, which can escalate emotions like anger, and intensify challenges like depression. When you feel fear and insecurity, do your best to stay grounded in your very own reality. Ask "what's the absolute very worst thing that could happen to me, realistically, right here in my current situation?" and then implement plans for that, so that you feel some control. "Plan for the worst, hope for the best" means have a plan, but then... once you have a plan, just keep living, with hope for a better situation than that for which you've planned. "What's the worst that might happen?" helps you to plan, to accept parts of the changes and be more adaptable & flexible, and to give you a sense of stability by understanding what's going on around you.
Understand. Accept. Plan. Hope.