Center of Training


Thoughts on mental health, wellness, and living a positive life.

Mental Health Moment | Loneliness

Aug 27, 2023

It's possible to feel very alone, even when you're with people. It's also possible to feel like you aren't alone, when you have the right people in your life. All it takes is just one person, the right person, to share something challenging with you, to make it all seem okay. If you feel alone, don't look to all the wrong people to support you... find just one who believes in you, who cares about you, and who wants the best for you. If you don't have that person, keep looking and don't give up. We need each other - as hard as that may be to sometimes accept, it's true. If you are alone, and feeling it, keep going.. be your best friend until you can connect with someone who also has your back. The right connection can get you through just about anything.