Mental Health Moment | Hindsight
Jan 29, 2023If you could go backward in time, and return to one particular moment in your life and do something differently, where would you go back to? What would you do differently? You may think that having that one opportunity to change a choice or an action would make you feel better and fix a bunch of things. But.. how many regrets do you look back on that, if changed, would mean you wouldn't be where you are now? How many of the positives in your life since then would you have missed? If you think you wish you could change a choice you made when you were 20, imagine yourself on the alternate path... what parts of your life right now wouldn't exist? We may think we're making occasional wrong choices in our lives, but they lead us, eventually, to somewhere we might not otherwise have ended up which turns out to be a really good place. Keep making the best choices you can at any given time, but also know that all choices lead you down a path, branching and turning and veering.. and it's really just one big long adventure. Enjoy the moments, work through the challenges, and keep going. You may end up in awesome situations all along the way that you don't expect.