Mental Health Moment | Facing Forward
Aug 29, 2021
There are definitely times when you should look back on your life, back on events that have happened, and back to remember people & places that we miss. We learn from what's behind us, so we definitely shouldn't ignore it. We can look at patterns in the past and know what did, or didn't, work.. and that should help us make decisions going forward. But you can only look back for so long, just long enough, and then you must turn around and look in front of you. Apply what you know from that time behind you, put it all to good use, but move forward. Even if you move really slow, make sure you're going forward. Trying to turn around and go backward is like driving the wrong way on a busy 1-way street. Look ahead, make plans, learn new things, add new people, have new experiences. Leave something really great on that path, because the "now" you're creating will be what you're glancing back to remember later.